In order to provide a safe environment for clients and staff, we are only open by appointment during the Covid19 pandemic for individuals who exhibit NO symptoms and who haven’t been in recent contact with a person testing positive for Covid19. We wipe down our facility after each appointment, remain at a safe distance and wear gloves.
Among the various professional services we provide none is more important at this time than ensuring both our existing and new clients have proper professionally drawn Wills and the other two extremely important living documents, an Enduring Power of Attorney and Personal Directive.
In order to minimize contact, for our Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Personal Directives we have developed a questionnaire and explanation of services which we can e-mail to our clients for completion. Once the completed questionnaire is provided to us we can prepare the documentation, e-mail a copy for review and discussion over the phone, we can then prepare the final documentation for execution at our office.
We offer an initial free consultation of up to 15 minutes over the phone to discuss your current needs.